The manager of an American baseball team admires Arsene Wenger’s trading strategy. He considers Wenger a rare sports coach who husbands his club’s money for the long term. All the incentives are to win games now rather than keep a club solvent. Arsenal cannot get the very best strikers so they have to develop them. One advantage is that injury prone immoveable older players can strangle a club.
The manager of an American baseball team admires Arsene Wenger’s trading strategy. He considers Wenger a rare sports coach who husbands his club’s money for the long term. All the incentives are to win games now rather than keep a club solvent. Arsenal cannot get the very best strikers so they have to develop them. One advantage is that injury prone immoveable older players can strangle a club.
If Arsenal changes hands, it will be interesting to see if the strategy of signing cheap youngsters persists. Or will more money be made available for big name signings? Whether they would bring better results than the current approach is questionable although Arsenal is a team that needs to win trophies.