Is there a new ‘man in the sand’ at Liverpool?

Football deal broker and former Football League chairman Keith Harris claims to be representing a mysterious potential purchaser of Liverpool.   He will not name him, but says he is not one of the interested parties named in the press so far.  The prospective owner has completed due diligence and will now have to decide whether to proceed.

Football deal broker and former Football League chairman Keith Harris claims to be representing a mysterious potential purchaser of Liverpool.   He will not name him, but says he is not one of the interested parties named in the press so far.  The prospective owner has completed due diligence and will now have to decide whether to proceed.

In 2008 Harris was involved in a highly secretive attempt to acquire the club from its American owners which came close to succeeding.   Nasser al Khorafi from Kuwait was referred to by the code phrase ‘The Man in the Sand’ as part of the blanket of secrecy surrounding the bid.  He pulled out at the last minute.

In his interview with the Evening Standard Harris also talks about his involvement with the Red Knights, a plan which he now admits is dead in the water.  He is very careful in his choice of words about Sir Alex Ferguson, although he hints that it is time for him to depart.   He is sceptical about the impact of the fans’ ‘Newton Heath’ campaign.