This site enables you to calculate how long you would have to work to afford a footballer’s car. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo would only have to work for one hour to afford my ageing hatchback.
His special edition Ferrari is worth £847,000 and he could pay for it with three weeks’ wages (presumably gross rather than after deduction of tax which would be complicated). It would take me eleven years to afford the same car (assuming I spent nothing on anything else).
This site enables you to calculate how long you would have to work to afford a footballer’s car. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo would only have to work for one hour to afford my ageing hatchback.
His special edition Ferrari is worth £847,000 and he could pay for it with three weeks’ wages (presumably gross rather than after deduction of tax which would be complicated). It would take me eleven years to afford the same car (assuming I spent nothing on anything else).