Brazil is behind schedule with its preparations for the 2014 World Cup. The 12 host cities have among them nine airport developments which are well behind schedule. Sao Paulo has not even started to build the new stadium that is supposed to stage the opening match. The contract for Natal’s proposed arena was signed only on April 15th.
Brazil is behind schedule with its preparations for the 2014 World Cup. The 12 host cities have among them nine airport developments which are well behind schedule. Sao Paulo has not even started to build the new stadium that is supposed to stage the opening match. The contract for Natal’s proposed arena was signed only on April 15th.
Air travel is essential to shuttle fans between games but most of the country’s airports are already operating well above their capacity. Baggage handling and check in are slow. Delays and cancellations are common. Quick fixes may have to be used such as temporary check-in deks and waiting areas in airport car parks.
See Also:
Delays cloud Brazil’s 2014 World Cup preparations – BBC
Brazil’s World Cup 2014 preparations hit by new blow – Telegraph