A new source of funding?

Quite often I get letters in the post asking me if I have made a will and would I like to leave a legacy to this or that charity.   Even my old school sent me a glossy brochure and an invitation to donate.  But it’s rare for football fans to leave money to their clubs.   Quite reasonably they might think it would be wasted on expensive players who contributed little.

Quite often I get letters in the post asking me if I have made a will and would I like to leave a legacy to this or that charity.   Even my old school sent me a glossy brochure and an invitation to donate.  But it’s rare for football fans to leave money to their clubs.   Quite reasonably they might think it would be wasted on expensive players who contributed little.

Hallam FC from the Koolsport Northern Counties East League celebrate their 150th anniversary next year.   Their Sandygate ground is said to be the oldest club ground in the world.   They have been planning a £280,000 visitor centre and clubhouse.   

Completely out of the blue, loyal supporter Roger Bell, who had no family, has left them a six figure sum in his will.   It’s great for Hallam, but I don’t see it catching on.   Quite a lot of fans are, of course, keen to have their ashes scattered on the pitch or even interred along the touchline which caused some problems when Arsenal left Highbury.

It’s actually not too good for the pitch and Charlton have designated a plot of land for this purpose above the ground but still in sight of the pitch,