Blue Square Conference side Wrexham has revealed an ambitious £40m investment plan designed to transform the former league club’s finances and lead to the rebuilding of the historic Kop. The club has lodged revised plans for a £40m Glyndwr University village with space for 800 students, the income from which it is hoped will clear the club’s massive £3m-£4m debts. Any further profit would then be used to finance the rebuilding of the historic Kop stand, which is currently out of action.
Blue Square Conference side Wrexham has revealed an ambitious £40m investment plan designed to transform the former league club’s finances and lead to the rebuilding of the historic Kop. The club has lodged revised plans for a £40m Glyndwr University village with space for 800 students, the income from which it is hoped will clear the club’s massive £3m-£4m debts. Any further profit would then be used to finance the rebuilding of the historic Kop stand, which is currently out of action. But it could be 2012 before the new stand is built, as the club’s plans rely on two earlier phases to create the student accommodation. The club owns the land that is needed but could not provide precise details of how the finances would break down. A club spokesman could not put a figure on how much the surplus income – to be pumped back into the club – might be. To build a new stand the club would need millions. Racecourse bosses hope that some of that cash could come from the Welsh Assembly. Supporters want to see any plans for a new stand to have a 4,500 capacity to give it international status.