Many Premier League clubs charge as much as £450 for their mascot packages and West Ham charge as much as £600 for some games. However, eleven clubs charge nothing, including Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United.
Many Premier League clubs charge as much as £450 for their mascot packages and West Ham charge as much as £600 for some games. However, eleven clubs charge nothing, including Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United.
Admittedly, that is before the cost of a junior kit which is seen as a rip off by many parents given the mark ups involved. On the whole, it often seems to be smaller clubs like Swansea that charge more for mascot packages. However, they are not making a lot of money out of them and it could be seen as an opportunity to engage with local schools. They also open themselves to charges of excluding less well off families.
The article also looks at junior ticket prices which display considerable variability across clubs.