Sports Participation by Children – England – 1994 versus 1999

Football in Comparison with other
Sports. According to a government sponsored
survey by the OPCS there was an average 5% increase in the number of
school children saying they played football between 1994 and 1999.
This increase was shared amongst boys and girls, although boys were
roughly 4 times more likely to play than girls. Of all the major
spectator sports, football is the one that most people in England are

Football in Comparison with other
Sports. According to a government sponsored
survey by the OPCS there was an average 5% increase in the number of
school children saying they played football between 1994 and 1999.
This increase was shared amongst boys and girls, although boys were
roughly 4 times more likely to play than girls. Of all the major
spectator sports, football is the one that most people in England are
likely to have played whilst at school. It is a formidable base upon
which to build support.

Source:  UK
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys – Base 3320 Year 1999) –
by self completed questionnaire