A table showing the Total Attendances (number of spectators) for the top four English Football Leagues for seasons 1948-49 to 2008-09. Figures are for domestic league matches only. Between 1948/49 and 2008-09 total attendances have decline by twenty seven per cent, although the nadir in spectator terms was the late 1980s when total attendances declined to under 20 million.
Key: Div 1 = The Championship, Div 2 and Div 3 = present day League 1 and League 2.
A table showing the Total Attendances (number of spectators) for the top four English Football Leagues for seasons 1948-49 to 2008-09. Figures are for domestic league matches only. Between 1948/49 and 2008-09 total attendances have decline by twenty seven per cent, although the nadir in spectator terms was the late 1980s when total attendances declined to under 20 million.
Key: Div 1 = The Championship, Div 2 and Div 3 = present day League 1 and League 2.