Another obstacle has appeared in the protracted takeover of Leeds United by Gulf Finance House (GFH). It appears that the takeover may not be compliant with Sharia law. This could complicate delay obtaining the fatwa that is necessary for the Islamic finance house to complete the long drawn out takeover.
Another obstacle has appeared in the protracted takeover of Leeds United by Gulf Finance House (GFH). It appears that the takeover may not be compliant with Sharia law. This could complicate delay obtaining the fatwa that is necessary for the Islamic finance house to complete the long drawn out takeover.
It should be emphaised that this is not a deal breaker, but it may explain some of the complications that have delayed the negotiations. At Elland Road there are outlets selling alcohol, food points that sell bacon rolls and also betting points that facilitate gambling.
None of these facilities for fans need be withdrawn, but they may have to be placed in separate ownership. This is not a straightforward matter given that facilities of this kind are an integral part of the stadium.