Red Bull interested in buying Leeds

Austrian energy drinks company Red Bull are interested in buying Leeds United, but owner Massimo Cellino only wants to sell a minority stake.   This could then be used to buy Elland Road for the club which is currently leased.

Red Bull are thought to value Leeds at between £55m and £70m.   They were interested in buying Newcastle United, but were put off by the £230m asking price.

Austrian energy drinks company Red Bull are interested in buying Leeds United, but owner Massimo Cellino only wants to sell a minority stake.   This could then be used to buy Elland Road for the club which is currently leased.

Red Bull are thought to value Leeds at between £55m and £70m.   They were interested in buying Newcastle United, but were put off by the £230m asking price.

A takeover might involve a name change to Leeds Red Bulls or Red Bull Leeds.   The proposed name change at Hull City has run into considerable resistance from fans there, but it is a demand that those who take over clubs are increasingly making.

However, doubt has now been cast on the reliability of the reports with Red Bull stating that it is not interested in taking over the club or buying a stake in it.