Manchester United achieved record annual revenues in the year to 30 June 2017. Revenues increased 12.8 per cent compared to the previous season to £581.2m, Earnings before deductions for tax, depreciation etc. increased more than 17 per cent to just under £200m. Pre-tax profits increased 7.7 per cent to £39.2m. The improved performance was largely due to higher broadcasting income and Europa League success.
Manchester United achieved record annual revenues in the year to 30 June 2017. Revenues increased 12.8 per cent compared to the previous season to £581.2m, Earnings before deductions for tax, depreciation etc. increased more than 17 per cent to just under £200m. Pre-tax profits increased 7.7 per cent to £39.2m. The improved performance was largely due to higher broadcasting income and Europa League success.
£23m was paid out in dividends. Interest payments are just short of £500k a week. Total borrowings crept over the half billion mark, largely because of the fall in sterling. Wages were up by £31m to £264m which is more than the wage bill of the four lowest paying Premiership clubs combibned. However, wages are under control at 45 per cent of income, comfortably below the 50 per cent ceiling recommended by Deloitte. £194m was paid out on transfers and £52m obtained from player sales.
United are confident that Amazon and Facebook will bid for streaming rights, boosting the boom in broadcast income.