Attempts by Rangers to play south of the border have got nowhere so far, but now they are arguing, with the backing of opinions from three separate law firms, that keeping them out would be a breach of EU competition law.
Attempts by Rangers to play south of the border have got nowhere so far, but now they are arguing, with the backing of opinions from three separate law firms, that keeping them out would be a breach of EU competition law.
Rangers chief executive Charles Green has stated that he is determined to put the issue back on the agenda, this time with the threat of court action to reinforce the club’s claim. He said, ‘European law is very clear on discrimination and access. It’s a restriction of trade. It’s anti-competition. I don’t think you’d get to a point where anyone would be able to defend it.’
Rangers would be content to join a lower tier of the Football League and field a junior side in Scotland. Mr Green argued that if both Rangers and Celtic left Scottish football, it would level up the playing field for the remaining clubs.