Players consider options at Hearts

Payments due to players at Hearts are being delayed and are not being met in full.   Players are considering a range of options including: invoking a Fifa procedure which would allow them to leave the club after 90 days and finding employment elsewhere; making a formal complaint to the Scottish Premier League and/or the Scottish Football Association which they came close to doing before receiving a payment; refusing

Payments due to players at Hearts are being delayed and are not being met in full.   Players are considering a range of options including: invoking a Fifa procedure which would allow them to leave the club after 90 days and finding employment elsewhere; making a formal complaint to the Scottish Premier League and/or the Scottish Football Association which they came close to doing before receiving a payment; refusing to train.

These situations are always very difficult for players.   Like anyone else they have bills to pay.  Not every player receives a huge salary and it isn’t long before cash reserves are eroded and credit cards are maxed out.   The loyalty of players to the club badge may be exaggerated, but they generally have a loyalty to each other as a squad, although understandably the Hearts players are demoralised.

The situation at Hearts is one of the most worrying in British football at the moment because the debts are so large.   Anyone acquiring the club would have to have a repayment plan at least, as well as contributing towards running costs.   There aren’t that many buyers around at the moment and they could pick up a Championship club at the same cost.