There are many losers when a football club hits financial problems and this interesting article about cup finalists Portsmouth touches a number of bases. It includes a testimony from their most famous fan who changed his name to include that of the club, but also a community organisation that had to curtail some of its other activities when the club failed to pay for the hire of pitches.
There are many losers when a football club hits financial problems and this interesting article about cup finalists Portsmouth touches a number of bases. It includes a testimony from their most famous fan who changed his name to include that of the club, but also a community organisation that had to curtail some of its other activities when the club failed to pay for the hire of pitches.
Having followed football finance for over ten years, it does seem that there is a cavalier attitude to money owed to other people which perhaps reflects the fact that ‘the world of football’ regards itself as a very special place. Perhaps anyone should be cautious about selling goods and services to a football club, or at least being too reliant on their business. It will be interesting to see if that separation from normal financial disciplines can be maintained in more challenging economic and financial circumstances.
More on this subject: BBC documentary – Fit and Proper Persons (UK viewers only until 21st May 2010)