Hearts owner Vladimir Romanov either wants to sell the Edinburgh club or bring on board new investors. He said, ‘I haven’t lost my interest in the club, but I have for football.’
Hearts owner Vladimir Romanov either wants to sell the Edinburgh club or bring on board new investors. He said, ‘I haven’t lost my interest in the club, but I have for football.’
It’s not the easiest of times to sell any asset, let alone a football club and especially one in the Scottish Premier League which is so dominated by Celtic and Rangers. Romanov has poured money in, but has not knocked them off their perch. It’s not like buying a well supported Championship club which might be able to get into the Premiership, although even there many new owners have been disappointed.
There are clearly many obstacles in the way of a sale, not least the debt of £30m and the big wage bill. Much will depend on how quickly the parent company needs to offload the club.
It’s becoming a familiar story: an outside investor takes over a proud club promising to restore former glories and it ends with a disillusioned owner, a club so short of cash that it has difficulty paying players on time and anxious fans who wonder what the future holds.