A football tax expert thinks that clubs have not come to terms with the full impact of the economic crisis, in particular the determination of Revenue and Customs to recoup taxation. This explains the background to the recent moves against Rangers which the club is contesting. Clubs have not taken account of the extent to which earlier payments made offshore may attract tax which will have to be paid out of current revenues. Agents in particular do not appear to have woken up to the extent
A football tax expert thinks that clubs have not come to terms with the full impact of the economic crisis, in particular the determination of Revenue and Customs to recoup taxation. This explains the background to the recent moves against Rangers which the club is contesting. Clubs have not taken account of the extent to which earlier payments made offshore may attract tax which will have to be paid out of current revenues. Agents in particular do not appear to have woken up to the extent to which tax regime is changing and fewer loopholes are available to highly paid players.