Bluebirds Have Until February To Pay Outstanding Debt to Taxman

Cardiff City AFC have suffered financial worries recently as the Welsh club were given a 70-day High Court reprieve last month after facing a winding up order from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. The Bluebirds have been given until February to pay their outstanding debt to the taxman. As well as Cardiff’s debt to the Inland Revenue, the Bluebirds still owe significant money – including a long-standing £15m debt to former chairman Sam Hammam’s Langston Corporation.

Cardiff City AFC have suffered financial worries recently as the Welsh club were given a 70-day High Court reprieve last month after facing a winding up order from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. The Bluebirds have been given until February to pay their outstanding debt to the taxman. As well as Cardiff’s debt to the Inland Revenue, the Bluebirds still owe significant money – including a long-standing £15m debt to former chairman Sam Hammam’s Langston Corporation.

Langston took Cardiff to the High Court in March 2008 to repay their debt immediately but the club’s barristers successfully argued the debt is not repayable until 2016. Langston could still pursue a full hearing, but a High Court injunction prevents them taking further legal action until January. Chairman Ridsdale hopes Cardiff’s battle with Langston will be concluded before Christmas after revealing the club have reached an “outline agreement”.