Arsenal head for top five in world claim

Arsenal chief executuve has hit back at supporters who have criticised the club’s financial strategy and its consequences for performance on the pitch.   He claims that Arsenal are poised to be among the top five clubs in the world in revenue terms.  It certainly is the case that the club should be able to boost its sponsorship income, although by how much remains to be seen.

Arsenal chief executuve has hit back at supporters who have criticised the club’s financial strategy and its consequences for performance on the pitch.   He claims that Arsenal are poised to be among the top five clubs in the world in revenue terms.  It certainly is the case that the club should be able to boost its sponsorship income, although by how much remains to be seen.

Arsenal’s strategy has been based around Uefa’s financial fair play initiative delivering a more level playing field.  Gazidis argues that the credibility of Michael Platini and Uefa will be on the line if they don’t deliver this and enforce it effectively.

Maybe so, but it may not be entirely in their control, as there is always the possibility of a legal challenge.   Gazidis also argues that there is a consensus emerging among Premiership clubs that there need to be tighter financial controls, but it is one thing to express that wish and another to deliver measures that are effective and enforceable.