Premiership split over curbing spending

A good and thorough account here of the internal politics of the Premier League in relation to plans for a domestic version of Uefa’s financial fair play (FFP) scheme.   Apparently, a letter from Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur. Liverpool and Manchester United demanding as robust a version as possible has been leaked. The stance of these clubs is, of course, far from disinterested as they would benefit from a crack down on over spending.

A good and thorough account here of the internal politics of the Premier League in relation to plans for a domestic version of Uefa’s financial fair play (FFP) scheme.   Apparently, a letter from Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur. Liverpool and Manchester United demanding as robust a version as possible has been leaked. The stance of these clubs is, of course, far from disinterested as they would benefit from a crack down on over spending.

What concerns them is that Uefa will be unable to enforce its own scheme, an outcome we have suggested is likely for some time.    These clubs have to tread carefully, however, as others have hinted at a law suit if their freedom of action is curtailed too much.

The ‘gang of four’ are lined up against the benefactor clubs such as Fulham and Manchester City with other clubs taking an immediate position.   Some of these might not wish to rule out the possibility of acquiring a benefactor at a later date, but that could be catered for by allowing investment in shares.

Whether a decision can be reached at the next meeting in early February or whether it will be deferred until the summer remains to be seen,  The likely outcome is a watered down version of FFP with more leeway and not too much enforcement, more of a promise to be good, but not just yet.