Fans have been vociferous on social media criticising the new Channel 5 football highlights show. Some fans had initially welcomed the change as the programme goes out at 9 p,m. rather than late at night after Match of the Day as was the case when it was on BBC.
The show has a studio audience who seem to add little to the show and indeed disrupt the flow. One of them couldn’t be heard last night because they didn’t have a mike on him.
Fans have been vociferous on social media criticising the new Channel 5 football highlights show. Some fans had initially welcomed the change as the programme goes out at 9 p,m. rather than late at night after Match of the Day as was the case when it was on BBC.
The show has a studio audience who seem to add little to the show and indeed disrupt the flow. One of them couldn’t be heard last night because they didn’t have a mike on him.
Championship, League 1 and League 2 matches are jumbled up in no particular order. One Championship match got just fifteen seconds of coverage. Barnet manager Martin Allen came on to a great fanfare of trumpets to give his thoughts. The league ‘tables’ were unveiled with great drama.
One fan tweeted that the programme seemed to assume that Football League fans were all morons. Another calculated that there was 65 minutes of football and 25 minutes of adverts.
For a critical review of the programme go here.