Boosting attendances against a difficult economic backdrop is not easy, although it could be argued that they have held up well considering the circumstances. Clubs have tried all sorts of initiatives with Morecambe letting in fans free for one midweek match. It certainly trebled attendances, but does not seem to have boosted them much in subsequent games.
Boosting attendances against a difficult economic backdrop is not easy, although it could be argued that they have held up well considering the circumstances. Clubs have tried all sorts of initiatives with Morecambe letting in fans free for one midweek match. It certainly trebled attendances, but does not seem to have boosted them much in subsequent games.
This article, as well as looking at the broader picture, contrasts Brighton and Hove Albion and Millwall. Brighton, with the new Amex stadium, aim to offer a total ‘customer experience’. The Seagulls are a ‘stand alone’ club in Sussex, but Millwall face more competition in the vicinity.
Ticket prices have gone up above the rate of inflation and the Football Supporters’ Federation has called for a maximum of £20 to be charged for away tickets in a ‘twenty plenty’ campaign,